Bird Watching

Adjoining a national park it is obvious to see and hear that the surrounding area is plentiful of native species. Here we have shown a few examples of birds to find around the area. If you take any photographs of bird you cannot identify feel free to show us in the office and we will try our best to name it!


Tui: The tui makes an unusual mix of different noises, often imitating other birds. Tuis have a distinctive white chest which moves with every whistle.


The South Island Robin: Unseen in this photo but the South Island Robin has legs too big for its body so when they land on the tree next to you have a look at the length of their legs.


Fantail: The cheeky little Fantail will often follow you for hours during your walk. We find the Punakaiki-Pororari river loop very popular for these little guys. They love to show off their fan, while they wait for your sandwich crumbs.

 (Photo credit: Leo and Lorna van Kampen)